Ancient Grain in a Healthy Cereal NYT: Your Guide to Better Cereal Selection

Cereals have long become a popular breakfast staple worldwide. A recent study found that a whopping three-quarters of families consume them in the US alone.

But instead of eating cereals made of conventional grains like oats, millets etc, the new mantra is to consume ancient grains. 

In this article in Vlineperol, I will discuss what ancient grains are and why they are getting high ratings as cereals by authorities like the New York Times (NYT). 

Let’s call our article ‘Ancient grain in a healthy cereal NYT‘. 

Ancient Grains and Their Benefits

Cereals are popular breakfast items with roasted grains as principal ingredients. Generally cereals are consumed with drinks like milk or other health drinks.

But modern grains used in cereals are processed and have gone through many changes like genetic modifications over the years. Such changes considerably lower their nutritional values. 

But cereals made of ancient grains generally have more nutritional value than modern grains. 

What Are Ancient Grains?

Grains that haven’t got any major changes, like genetic modifications, and are eaten as whole are called ancient grains.

People living in countries like India, China, Afghanistan, Nepal and Bhutan have been consuming ancient grains for thousands of years. They are staples for those countries. 

The awarenesss of low nutritional values of grains used in cereals has spread the popularity of ancient grains among Western countries. More and more such grains are being used in popular cereals due to their high nutritional values.

But what are the exact benefits of these ancient grains? Let’s find out in our Ancient Grains in a Healthy Cereal NYT.

Benefits of Ancient Grains

Of late, we’ve been observing a rising popularity of ancient grains in healthy cereals. A recent study has shown that around 79 per cent global consumers are now opting for cereals made of ancient grains. 

They have several health benefits due to the presence of some healthy nutrients in them that are either absent or of low quality in genetically modified varieties.

Let’s take them one by one in this Ancient Grain in a Healthy Cereal NYT article.

Packed with Proteins 

As against modified grains, ancient grains have higher protein content, a building block of muscles and a crucial nutrient, essential for sound health. For example, Amarnath is an ancient grain that contains almost all essential amino acids, which makes it an ideal choice for a healthy cereal. 

Full of Fibre

Ancient grains like millet are packed with fibre. These dietary fibres facilitate metabolic health and prevent diseases like diabetes from setting in. They also have properties that cuts down the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.

Big Time B Vitamins

Many ancient grains have very large amounts of B vitamins. These groups of vitamins are essential for the body’s energy generation process, brain health, healthy nervous systems, and healthy skin to name a few. 

Three Cheers for Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids are miracle workers. They promote heart, eye, and brain health besides controlling high blood pressure. These acids also bolster the body’s immune system and lower the risk of life-threatening diseases like cancer.

Zap the Zinc Deficiency

Some ancient grains are full of zinc–a micronutrient that is essential for smooth running of our immune and metabolic systems. In this regards too, they are way ahead of their modern counterparts.

Death for Diabetes

Some ancient grains like kamut (also known as Khorasan) have a special anti-diabetes property. They lower the blood sugar levels significantly. They also cut down cardiac arrest risk significantly.

Ancient Grain in a Healthy Cereal NYT: Advantages

So far we’ve seen that some ancient grains are a better choice than modern grains as the main ingredients in cereals. 

As you know, cereals are usually associated with breakfast throughout the world. Due to their high nutritional values and ease of preparation, they are quickly becoming the number one breakfast choice all over the world.

Now, let’s see what Ancient Grain in a Healthy Cereal NYT has to say about the benefits of ancient grains as breakfast cereals.

Importance of Ancient Grains as Breakfast Cereals

Some dietitians and nutritionists term breakfast as the most important meal of the day. They enumerate a number of health benefits of eating breakfast. Cereals are usually considered essentially a healthy breakfast item.

So, let’s now find out the benefits of breakfast and how ancient grains help us reap those benefits in this section of Ancient Grain in a Healthy Cereal NYT.

Breakfast Makes the Heart Happy

Studies have found that breakfast in the morning is good for our hearts. 

Since cereals are widely used as breakfast items, cereals made of ancient grains should be an excellent heart-friendly breakfast for busy people. 

A Type 2 Diabetes Repellent

Breakfast is said to have an anti-diabetes action. Moreover, our Ancient Grain in a Healthy Cereal NYT says ancient grains act as anti-diabetes agents.

So eating cereals made of ancient grains like kamut will further bolster this anti-diabetes action and make breakfast even more healthy.

Breakfast Fights Obesity

Regular breakfast also prevents obesity. So cereals made of healthy ancient grains, due to their fibre content, significantly lower the chances of developing obesity. 

Since obesity has assumed almost epidemic proportions in Western countries, a healthy cereal made of ancient grains should be a better breakfast choice.

A Proven Energy Booster

It has been scientifically proven that eating a healthy breakfast boosts one’s levels of energy.

We’ve seen, that due to their high zinc and protein contents, ancient grains also boost physical energy. So, it is obvious that a regular breakfast consisting of ancient grain cereals will turbocharge one’s overall energy efficiency. 

Ancient Grain in a Healthy Cereal NYT: Disadvantages

Most ancient grains, no doubt, carry a better health punch than their genetically modified counterparts. However, there are some serious disadvantages to the indiscriminate use of ancient grains as cereals. 

In this section of our Ancient Grain in a Healthy Cereal NYT, we’ll take a look at some of these disadvantages.

The Gluten Glitch

Many ancient grains contain high quantities of gluten. Gluten is a protein that keeps the shape of foods intact. but it can also cause serious issues like celiac disease if consumed too much. 

People suffering from this disease get the linings of their small intestine damaged. As a result, They suffers from malabsorption, whose signs and symptoms include nausea, abdominal pain, stomach cramps, etc. 

Look out for Lectin 

Lectin is another protein that have the similar negative effects on intestinal linings like gluten. You should go easy on ancient grains as some of them contain hige volume of this dangerous protein. 

Ancient Grains Used in Popular Cereals

In this final part of our Ancient Grain in a Healthy Cereal NYT, let’s take a quick look at some of the ancient grains, widely used in popular cereals, along with their nutritional contents and health benefits.

Ancient GrainOriginNutritional ContentsHealth Benefits
QuinoaLatin America, AndesVitamins, antioxidants, proteins, mineralsHealthy digestion, healthy bones, anti-cancer
AmarnathDiscovered by the AztecsGluten-free, minerals, nine essential amino acidsMuscle health, healthy bones, helps gluten sensitivity
MilletIndia, AfricaProteins, dietary fibres, antioxidantsStrong bones, anti-cancer, healthy digestion
BarleyMiddle East, EuropeDietary fibre, vitamins, mineralsHealthy digestion, energy booster, overall health improvement
Khorasan (Kamut)EgyptProteins, dietary fibres, minerals, antioxidants.Muscle health, healthy digestion, anti-cancer
FarroThe Mediterranean regionDietary Fibre, proteinMuscle health, healthy digestion, anti-obesity
BuckwheatChinaProteins, antioxidants Muscle and bone health, anti-cancer, overall health
RyeTurkeyDietary fibres, minerals, vitaminsDigestive health, anti-obesity, anti-diabetes
Freekeh (farik)Middle EastProteins, fibres, minerals, vitaminsMuscle health, bone health, healthy digestion, energy booster


So. In this Ancient Grain in a Healthy Cereal NYT guide, we found that with the increasing awareness of food value, popularity of ancient grains in cereals is quickly rising all over the world, especially in the West.

From boosting immunity to preventing cancer and diabetes, from promoting strong muscular health to healthy digestion–These ancient grains have outstanding health benefits like strong immunity and lower risk of developing diabetes and obesity.

Since healthy cereal is very popular among busy professional, cereals made of ancient grains should be a healthier choice for them. 

Barring a few ancient grains that contains stuff like gluten, most of them are superfoods as healthy cereals.


Q. What are ancient grains?

Ancient grains are unprocessed whole grains that are not genetically modified and have been used as foods for thousands of years.

Q. What are the best ancient grains?

Quinoa, barley, buckwheat, farro, rye, kamut or Khorasan and millet are some of the ancient grains widely used now in Western countries.

Q. Where can I find ancient grains?

Ancient grains are easily found at grocers or supermarkets because of their growing popularity.

Q. Are ancient grains dangerous?

No. A few of them contain a protein called gluten, that can cause some health issues. But overall, ancient grains are considered superfoods by experts.

Q. Which ancient grains are used in cereals?

Buckwheat, millet, quinoa and barley are a few ancient grains that are widely used in healthy cereals.

About Sarah Jay

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