Let’s get it straight: stress is not such a bad thing as you’ve been told by the popular media. In fact, a little stress is necessary for you to perform your day-to-day duty efficiently as it makes you alert and cautious.
The problem, mainly, lies within you. Your ability to cope with stressors decides whether a stressful situation is all in a day’s work or a dangerous threat to your well-being.
Suppose someone waves a gun at you for reasons best known to him and you. A stressful situation no doubt. This situation demands a fight-or-flight response from you. You, very reasonably, decide that it is better to run for it rather than showing heroics and risking the possibility of stopping a bullet.
You run and the business is as usual. Your logical and positive response to the stressor saves your life.
But if this incident makes you look over your shoulder always for the rest of your life, looking for a potential gunman in everyone around, this is bad stress and will harm your body and mind no end.
Wellhealthorganic stress management is a step-by-step guide to improving your ability to master high-adrenaline situations. You can learn from it some proven techniques to accept stress as a part of life and manage it to your best advantage.
In this article in Vlineperol, I’ll discuss this excellent stress management technique and how it can help you maintain your physical and mental wellbeing.
But first, let me give you a lowdown on stress and why it is important to follow an effective stress management guide.
Stress: Causes and Bad Effects
What is stress?
The World Health Organisation defines stress as a state of anxiety and worry triggered by a difficult situation. You must remember that stress is only bad if it goes out of hand due to your poor stress management capabilities.
A proven stress management strategy, like Wellhealthorganic Stress Management, goes a long way in controlling stress and negating its adverse effects.
What Causes Stress?
From the death of a loved one to the birth of a baby–everything can become a stressor if your stress management isn’t effective.
Potential Stressors
- Death of a beloved one
- Loss of job
- Change in financial condition
- Workplace changes
- Change of profession
- Change of residence
- Burden of debt
- Difficult life partner
- Illegal or unethical activities
- Too much concern about one’s looks
- Extra-marital affairs
Professions Conducive to Stress
Some professions are very conducive to long-term stress in people. Here are some of them.
- Police
- Firefighters
- Doctors
- Journalists
- Nurses
- Pilots
- Long-haul Drivers
Poor stress management can cause serious health and mental conditions. On the other hand, an effective stress management strategy, as mentioned in Wellhealthorganic Stress Management, certainly helps.
I’ll briefly mention some of the dangerous physical and mental conditions caused by stress.
Bad Effects of Stress on Health
Prolonged stress can cause diabetes, hypertension, coronary diseases, stroke, loss of memory, constipation, stomach pain, hand tremor, obesity, etc.
Bad Effects of Stress on the Mind
Feeling of helplessness, guilt and worthlessness; severe anxiety, depression, sense of loneliness, procrastination, inability to make quick decisions, rapid changes in mood etc.
What is Stress Management
Stress management means formulating and implementing strategies, by making changes in the lifestyle, to reduce the stress levels.
An effective stress management strategy aims at achieving two fundamental goals: increasing one’s ability to cope with stress and replacing unhealthy habits with healthy ones.
Boosting Stress Cushioning Mechanism
As I said earlier in this article, your ability to cope with stress is a crucial factor in any effective stress management programme.
An all-around stress management strategy, like Wellhealthorganic Stress Management, will give a sharp focus on increasing your ability to take the sting off any stressful situation and minimising the aftershock.
Any stressful situation, like the gunman scenario above, has the potential to make you look for the same trouble in the future.
By adopting regular practice of meditation, positive self-talk, yoga and other means, a good stress management strategy will increase your confidence in your ability to successfully tackle any stressful situation.
This confidence will prevent you from being vulnerable to imaginary stressful experiences following a real one.
Changes in Lifestyle
The second aim of an effective stress management programme like wellhealthorganic stress management is to adopt healthy lifestyle habits and get rid of unhealthy ones.
Some people are naturally vulnerable to substance abuse. When they are under stress, they immediately resort to excessive drinking, smoking, or even more dangerous outlets like drug abuse to deal with the stress.
A careful anti-stress management strategy will aim at replacing these unhealthy habits with healthy ones like exercising, meditating, and spending quality time with family and friends to cushion the bad effects of stress.
Wellhealthorganic Stress Management
Wellhealthorganic Stress Management can be a valuable guide if you want to keep your stress level to the minimum and maintain a healthy body and a serene mind. The basic anti-stress strategies that this guide recommends are discussed below.
Identify the Root Cause
The first step is to identify the source of your stress. A careful mulling over it will help you pinpoint the actual causes that are making you worried. Then you can directly manage them effectively.
Resort to Healthy Lifestyle
Instead of resorting to unhealthy habits to deal with stress like binge drinking, smoking, eating too much or lazing around, follow a healthy lifestyle.
Regular physical exercises, Deep breathing, yoga, meditation, travelling, and spending quality time with family and friends are some strategies that can considerably reduce stress levels.
Be a Little Selfish
Wellhealthorganic Stress Management system asks you to prioritize self-care. Make it a point to do something every day that improves your physical and mental well-being. Get enough sleep, eat a healthy balanced diet, and do some physical exercises regularly. Don’t make any compromise on them for anything or anyone.
Need for Time Management
Those who are poor in managing time are usually always in a hurry and under tremendous stress. You must manage your time to use it optimally and reasonably. Small things like creating a to-do list for the day in the morning go a long way in managing time and reducing stress.
Set Clear Boundaries
Set clear boundaries, Wellhealthorganic Stress Management recommends strongly. You must make it clear to everyone concerned what is acceptable to you and what is not. Don’t hesitate to say no if you are overstretched. Clear boundaries will help you do your things without worrying about what others are thinking about them.
Seek Professional Help
If nothing works, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. A little counselling or pep talks from a professional who knows what he is talking about, will always help you to effectively deal with your stress level. Some medications help as short-term remedies, but only an expert professional can prescribe them.
Stress is here to stay for some time. It is always better to prepare yourself to tackle it successfully. We’ve seen how dangerous untamed stress can be for one’s physical and mental well-being.
However, there are several authentic resources like Wellhealthorganic Stress Management that can help you formulate effective stress management strategies easily.
Follow those strategies and you should be fine.